Sunday, September 16, 2018

September 16, 2018

Today we took a ride down river on the St Lawrence and saw some interesting sites along the way.
As we entered the River a large Barge was being pushed up river by a large Tug

On many barges there is a cut out at the stern that the tug fits into. You can see the elevated helm where the Tug Captain can Navigate from.

This is Elephant Rock at the entrance to the Summerland Island Anchorage. This is a large anchorage surrounded by the Summerland Islands. Every weekend you can find boats anchored and rafted together in the anchorage.
Cottage at entrance to Summerland group.

Boats anchored and rafted together.
Large Cottage on one of the Islands.
We left the Summerland's and headed down River Toward Singer Castle.
Brenda and Lulu enjoying the ride
Another Ship heading up River

 Tug pushing Bouy Barge up river

Sister Islands Light

Sister Island Cottage and Light

Singer Castle in the distance. Singer Castle was built by the President of Singer Sewing Machines around the turn of the century.

Two pics of Singer Castle. The Castle in actually in Canadian waters.

We passed by Bolt Castle just before returning to our marina.


Returning to our marina after a four hour ride in great weather.
We have been watching the news of Hurricane Florence and worried about our home in Sunset Beach, NC. We had planned to return home this week, but will remain on the boat until we know that we will be able to get to our home. Sunset is still without power, many of the roads are closed, and a curfew is still in effect. The impact of the Hurricane is not over, severe flooding is expected in many areas. We are assuming that we are on high enough ground to avoid the flooding, but we just don't know for sure.





1 comment:

Wednesday, Sept 18, 2019 We got the boat squared away for winter storage and left Wellesley Island for North Carolina today.